Monday, October 13, 2008

An interesting Saturday night...

So this doesn't really have anything to do with post-grad options, but I thought it was an interesting scenario to look at my (South Asian) parents versus other parents.

I went to my best friend's 21st birthday last week and she ended up drinking too much and I had to spend about 8 hours with her in a hospital that night. I decided to call her parents and she was freaking out that she'd get in trouble.

Her parents (who are both Italian) ended up being totally cool about it and saying that "people make mistakes and learn from them" and THAT WAS IT. I was just thinking if that was me, I wouldn't be in existence to write this post.

I just thought her parents' reaction was weird, but that may just be my personal bias because of how I was brought up...?


1 comment:

Souki said...

that is weird to me too but it's cool too. diff. views on things.