Friday, November 7, 2008


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Strike -rant

i am not at all pleased with this strike. I have a summer job lined up which may not work in my favor now, i was meant to be in India for my sister-in -law's delivery , thats not going to happen if this prolongs. The only good thing to come of this is that similar to kristen, i had planned to study for my GMAT next year but i suppose i can start now. This could not have come at a worst time, its extremely upsetting and negotiating with the residency is not a smooth ride either.Moreover, hearing reports from 680 stating that this strike may exceed the last one is definately not comforting. I just hope that this does not carry on for too long...


Kickin it old school

This has nothing to do with post graduate woes but it does have something to do with curry……I made my first chicken curry last weekend!!! And in response to previous comments it does alleviate stress haha ! I’m living on res this year and so I figured I’d try making an authentic Indian meal. I called a few friends over and kinda just kept my fingers crossed that it would work and it did, its actually not that hard to make.


Monday, October 13, 2008

An interesting Saturday night...

So this doesn't really have anything to do with post-grad options, but I thought it was an interesting scenario to look at my (South Asian) parents versus other parents.

I went to my best friend's 21st birthday last week and she ended up drinking too much and I had to spend about 8 hours with her in a hospital that night. I decided to call her parents and she was freaking out that she'd get in trouble.

Her parents (who are both Italian) ended up being totally cool about it and saying that "people make mistakes and learn from them" and THAT WAS IT. I was just thinking if that was me, I wouldn't be in existence to write this post.

I just thought her parents' reaction was weird, but that may just be my personal bias because of how I was brought up...?


Thursday, October 2, 2008

A possible option

Hey Guys

for all those interested in applying to grad school within the area of communication studies, theres an information session coming up. From what i understand whether or not your applying within comm studies it is still useful. Here are the details:


Wednesday October 22nd, 2008
Harry Crowe Room, 109 Atkinson College
12 - 1:30 pm

All interested students are welcome. Refreshments will be served.



Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Typical questions

So, i was out for a family dinner last night amongst the typical crowd and a few unknowns. So ofcourse, i was asked the obvious question " so what do you do?"....its funny to see the reaction when i say that i'm studying something outside of engineering or medicine... which mind you is the norm within my community. I find it interesting to see the lack of exposure and recognition towards other fields. Anyhow im sure many of you have been in the same situation, i have gotten past it, but still manage to find it amusing


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Post-undergrad woes

After months and months of thought and research, I've finally decided to do my MBA next year. I found a program where you don't need two years of work experience and I have rationalized to myself that this is the best option for me.

Having said that, there is one thing standing in my way of applying: the dreaded GMAT. I've been studying for about 10 hours a day for about week aaaand the results are quite dismal. Having said that...I've only been studying for one week. I plan on taking the test in February and I think I'm going to need every moment I can get to study for it.

It's safe to say that for now, the GMAT prep books are kicking my butt.
The math section is proving quite difficult (as I expected), but I also REALLY suck at Critical Reasoning and Sentence Correction. These are places I thought I would do quite well, but no! As it turns out, I actually do suck! BUT the reading comprehension section is relatively easy for me.

As depressing as this sounds, I am optimistic! I'm sure it'll get better as time goes along. For now...back to the GMAT!
- Kristen

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Welcome to our blog. Our names are Annika and Kristen and we are both Communication Studies majors enrolled in the 4330 Participative Media class.

In our blog we will be discussing issues concerning post-graduate options, preparatory steps for graduation, stress tips, coping with the demands of a stereotypical South Asian family (we will go into this in a later post).

Please note that this blog is not restricted strictly to members of the South Asian community, we will just be discussing issues pertaining the community, but if you are of another ethnic background and would like to contribute ....please do!!

You can look forward to some spicy recipies for coping with these dilemmas in our later posts.